The cosmetologist chooses the cleansing method depending on the type of skin and problems being experienced. The cleansing types work differently on the skin.
Manual or mechanical cleansing is one of the most common ways to clean the face. The cosmetologist either performs manual manipulations or with special tools, including the Uno spoon, Vidal needle, etc. During manual cleansing, the cosmetologist first applies a special product to open up the pores, and then manually treats every centimeter of the skin. This method is the most effective in dealing with oily skin. You can get rid of comedones, blackheads, and subcutaneous fatty acne with the help of mechanical cleansing. Unfortunately, manual cleansing is quite painful, and the more inflamed the patient’s skin, the more unpleasant it is. Redness remains on the skin for 2-3 days after the procedure, but the high efficiency of this cleansing overrides this disadvantage.
Ultrasonic cleansing is one of the most popular facial cleansing methods. High ultrasound vibrations gently and delicately cleanse the skin of impurities, black spots, and sebum. Ultrasonic facial cleansing is suitable for all skin types. It not only promotes deep cleansing, but also rejuvenates the skin, increases elasticity and firmness, smooths wrinkles, and activates metabolic processes.
Vacuum hydrafacial cleansing is performed with the help of a special suction cup, which creates negative pressure on the facial skin with the simultaneous inflow of various serums for cleansing and moisturizing the skin. The device pulls in a piece of skin, increasing blood circulation and opening pores. Vacuum facial cleansing is suitable for normal to moderately oily skin. It allows you to clean it of keratinized cells, comedones, blackheads, and sebaceous plugs. Vacuum cleansing acts on both superficial and deep layers of the skin, and it also has a pronounced lymphatic drainage effect.
Laser cleansing is one of the newest face cleansing techniques.
The laser beam destroys the surface layer of the skin along with impurities and keratinized particles. The procedure is quite painful and is used when just cleaning the skin is insufficient, when smoothing out wrinkles, fighting pigmentation, or post-acne is necessary.
Combined cleansing is the most commonly used method of deep skin cleansing. During the procedure the cosmetologist combines manual and device-based facial cleansing. Combining the effects of different procedures gives a great final result. The skin becomes clean and radiant, complexion and tone improve, and wrinkles smooth out.