Facial Masks

Daily facial skincare allows modern people to preserve youth and beauty for a long time. You can find almost any product for home skincare today, including toners, lotions, creams, peels, and masks. But these cosmetic purchases are not always beneficial. Improperly selected care products not only do not help, but sometimes make the skin worse. Meanwhile, facial skin loses its attractiveness without proper cleansing and moisturizing. So what should we do? The answer is to consult a specialist.

One of the most common and pleasant procedures in cosmetology is the application of facial masks. For decades cosmetologists around the world have been using this care product to deeply nourish facial skin. Unlike home masks, which act on the surface layer of the skin, professional masks penetrate much deeper, and are able to help solve many problems, ranging from simple cleansing or moisturizing to the fight against age spots.

A professional facial mask is not just a simple application of some product to the skin. It is a whole complex of procedures, including deep cleansing of the skin, pore opening, moisturizing, toning, vitamins, and nutrient enrichment. Professional masks contain many basic and active ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, ceramides, and collagen, to name a few.

There are many types of facial masks. They differ not only by skin type, but also by how they are manufactured, as well as exposure, and even drying.

Specialists select a specific mask depending on the skin type and problems at hand. When the procedure is carried out regularly, the active components of the masks accumulate in the deep layers of the skin, improving and revitalizing the face.

Our clinic offers patients a wide range of masks from the well-known cosmetic brands iS CLINICAL and Biologique Recherche.

iS CLINICAL is a cosmeceutical line recognized by cosmetologists all over the world, created by the American laboratory Innovative Skincare. Thanks to its unique properties, skin improvements are noticeable after the very first treatment and remain for a long time. The quality of the products has been confirmed by the FDA (the U.S. Food and Drug Administration). iS CLINICAL professional therapeutic cosmetics are so safe that they can even be used by pregnant and breastfeeding women. All of the products from this brand are multifunctional and simultaneously solve up to 5 problems. Using iS CLINICAL masks can help you deal with such problems as skin aging, hyperpigmentation, acne, rosacea, scars, etc.

Biologique Recherche is a French professional cosmetics brand known to cosmetologists across the globe since the 1970s. This brand’s products are developed with a unique methodology and have been adapted to fit any skin type. The high concentration of active substances included in Biologique Recherche masks contributes to highly effective facial rejuvenation, the activation of regenerative processes, and in solving skin problems. The quality and safety of Biologique Recherche products have been accredited by the “Origine France Garantie” (French Origin Guarantee) label.

What problems can be solved with a facial mask?

Professional facial masks serve to cleanse, moisturize, and saturate the skin with useful elements. They can aid in solving such problems as:
excessively oily or dry skin;
initial age-related changes;
age spots;
sebaceous plugs;
comedones and black spots;
decreased skin tone;
dull color;
uneven texture.

Before and after



IsClinical Hydrocool mask
20 min
€ 20
isClinical intensive resurfacing mask
20 min
€ 20
IsClinical rejuvenating mask
20 min
€ 20
IsClinical clarifing mud mask
20 min
€ 15
Biologique Recherche Vip O2 mask
20 min
€ 20
Biologique Recherche Biofixine mask
20 min
€ 20
Biologique Recherche Bain de Plantes mask
20 min
€ 15
Biologique Recherche Platysma mask
15 min
€ 30
Jalupro mask
15 min
€ 10
Genosys mask
15 min
€ 10
Thermoceutical DeAC active mask
15 min
€ 10
ZO Skin Health Sulfur mask
15 min
€ 20
ZO Skin Health aloe mask
15 min
€ 20

Indications for facial masks

Indications for professional facial mask use:
age-related facial skin changes;
comedones, black spots, and acne;
uneven texture;
hyperfunction of sebaceous glands;
enlarged pores.

make an appointment

Consultation with the doctor is free of charge on the first visit and only on the day of the procedure.

В нашей клинике пациентам предлагается широкий выбор масок известных косметических брендов iS CLINICAL и Biologique Recherche.

iS CLINICAL – это признанная косметологами всего мира космецевтическая линия, созданная американской лабораторией Innovative Skincare. Благодаря уникальным свойствам уже после первой процедуры заметны улучшения кожи, которые остаются на долгое время. Качество продукции подтверждено FDA (Управлением по контролю за продуктами питания и лекарствами США). Профессиональная лечебная косметика iS CLINICAL настолько безопасна, что ее могут использовать даже беременные и кормящие женщины. Вся продукция этого бренда многофункциональна и одновременно решает до 5 задач. Используя маски iS CLINICAL можно справиться с такими проблемами как: старение кожи, гиперпигментация, акне, розацеа, рубцы и т.д. Biologique Recherche – французская профессиональная косметика, известная косметологам всего мира с 70-х годов прошлого века. Продукция этого бренда разработана по уникальной методологии и адаптирована для любого типа кожи. Высокая концентрация активных веществ, входящих в состав масок Biologique Recherche, способствует высокоэффективному омоложению лица, активации регенеративных процессов, решению проблем с кожей. Качество и безопасность средств Biologique Recherche подтверждены аккредитацией и знаком «Origine France Garantie» (Французское происхождение гарантировано).

Procedure stages

There are no restrictions after the procedure, the only recommendation is not to apply decorative cosmetics on the face for several hours.
Consultation with a cosmetologist.
This allows the specialist to assess the skin's condition and choose a suitable mask.
Skin cleansing.
The skin is thoroughly cleaned of impurities and decorative cosmetics before applying the mask.
Mask application.
The cosmetologist carries out a number of procedures aimed at opening pores, cleansing and moisturizing, depending on the selected mask. Special products are applied in a certain order to help achieve the goal. The mask is applied along the massage lines from top to bottom.
Washing off the mask.
The mask is washed off with water only, without using any products. A moisturizing cream is applied to the face at the end of the procedure.

Facial mask application results

the pH of the facial skin is normalized;
the appearance of the face is improved;
age spots and freckles are lightened;
sebaceous plugs, comedones, and black spots are removed;
skin tone is improved;
the complexion and texture of the face is evened out.

Contraindications for the use of masks:

allergic reaction to the components used in the procedure;
dermatological diseases (psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, etc.);
hypersensitive facial skin;
acute infectious diseases.

Make an appointment

Consultation with the doctor is free of charge on the first visit and only on the day of the procedure.

Pedir consulta

La consulta con el médico es gratuita en la primera visita y solo el día del tratamiento.


Consultation with the doctor is free of charge on the first visit and only on the day of the procedure.

Записаться на консультацию

Консультация с врачом предоставляется бесплатно при первом посещении и только в день проведения процедуры.