It is nearly impossible to find a person who has not had a massage at least once in their life. Massages have been used for one purpose or another for thousands of years. Even before Christ, people actively used rubbing and stroking to relieve aches and pains: this was massage in its original form.
A manual massage is a set of manual techniques of impact on the skin and soft tissues of a person through pressure, rubbing, kneading, stroking, or vibration. Thanks to mechanical effects on nerve endings and certain points, it is possible not only to relax the body or calm the nervous system, but also to achieve a therapeutic effect.
There is an enormous number of massages around today: general or area massage, traditional or modern, manual, device-based, those carried out with the feet or stones, via essential oils, for weight loss, anti-cellulite, and many others. It is impossible to list all of the body massage techniques out there. We can only say one thing for sure – the effectiveness of massage is confirmed by history, that is why manual massage over the years continues to remain relevant.
Our clinic offers general (classic) massages, therapeutic massages, anti-cellulite massages, and lymphatic drainage massages.
A classic general massage is a general health-improving procedure that involves the masseur/masseuse working the patient’s entire body equally with his or her hands. Using a combination of techniques such as stroking, patting and rubbing, muscle fatigue is relieved, immunity is increased, and a burst of energy is provided. Its main purpose is relaxation and the normalization of blood flow. A general massage helps to get rid of headaches, muscle spasms, chronic fatigue, and insomnia.
An anti-cellulite massage is a manual massage technique that intensively works on orange peel skin areas. The main purpose of this massage is to activate the metabolic processes in the subcutaneous fatty tissue and improve blood circulation in the problem areas. Despite the anti-cellulite massage being a bit painful, it is very popular among women, as it allows you not only to get rid of uneven skin, but also to correct body volume and return elasticity to the skin.
A lymphatic drainage massage is used when it is necessary to get rid of swelling, remove excess fluid, and metabolic products. This massage technique is aimed at improving the movement of lymph, which is responsible for cleansing the body. Unlike a general massage, when all parts of the body are involved, this one targets only the lymphatic flow lines. This improves metabolism, reduces swelling, corrects body shape, improves the skin, and strengthens the immune system.
A therapeutic massage is primarily aimed at relieving pain and normalizing the functioning of the body when suffering from various diseases. Most often therapeutic massage is prescribed as an additional therapy for osteochondrosis, radiculitis, musculoskeletal system diseases, bruises, fractures, as well as respiratory, cardiovascular, or nervous system diseases. The therapeutic massage technique is selected depending on the clinical picture of the patient and it can be applied to the muscles, skin, joints, or spine.