Can air help correct the shape of a person’s body or relieve swelling? Modern cosmetologists are sure that it is possible. And we are not talking about walks in the fresh air, but about device-based massages.
Pressotherapy is a device-based massage technique with compressed air. The patient wears a special suit connected to the device that supplies the air flow. The pressure strength and the air flow intensity are regulated by the doctor with the help of specially designed programs. By alternating between high and low pressure, a mechanical action is exerted on the soft tissues, as well as venous and lymphatic systems. Pressotherapy is used as a lymphatic drainage, anti-cellulite, and anti-edema massage. You can get rid of extra pounds (or kilos) and centimeters, venous insufficiency and chronic fatigue, as well as recover from serious physical exertion or injury with it.
Our clinic uses the Spanish device Termosalud for pressotherapy. It includes 45 massage variants, including body shaping, lymphatic drainage, relax, fitness, postpartum, and anti-stress programs. Compressed air is supplied in the suit consisting of a jacket and pants. The air goes to the selected parts of the suit depending on the purpose of pressotheraphy.