Ultraformer MPT SMAS Lifting

Ultrasonic SMAS lifting is an innovative aesthetic procedure for soft tissue lifting on the face and neck, using a high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU). Natural facial rejuvenation can be achieved via this treatment.

The SMAS layer is the muscular-aponeurotic layer, or muscular framework that binds the other layers of the skin together. After the age of 25, this layer begins to thin, and the amount of collagen and elastin (protein compounds responsible for the skin’s elasticity) decreases. You may notice that the facial oval is no longer as defined as it used to be, with the corners of your lips and cheeks drooping, deep creases and wrinkles appearing, as well as a double chin.

Ultraformer MPT ultrasonic SMAS lifting helps to address SMAS layer attenuation. The ultrasound wave affects the deeper layers of the skin, stimulating neocollagenesis, which helps restore the collagen matrix and tighten facial tissues. This technique allows you to achieve great results without changing the natural features of the face, without a long recovery period, and excludes the need to visit a plastic surgeon.

What problems can be treated with Ultraformer MPT SMAS lifting?

Ultraformer MPT SMAS lifting brilliantly handles the following problems:
Sagging of the facial soft tissues and the appearance of “bulldog” cheeks;
The appearance of deep wrinkles in the forehead and nasolabial folds;
Rounding of the facial oval and loss of jawline definition;
Saggy facial skin, especially in the cheeks;
The appearance of a double chin;
So-called “Venus Rings” on the neck;
Tired or worn-out look.

Before and after

до после растпосле раст
до после hfpдо после hf
до 2после 2
Processed with MOLDIVProcessed with MOLDIV
Processed with MOLDIVProcessed with MOLDIV
Processed with MOLDIVProcessed with MOLDIV

Ultraformer SMAS Lifting Price

Ultra Sound lifting - face total
60 min
Ultra Sound lifting - neck
60 min
Ultra Sound lifting - second chin, face contour
60 min
Ultra Sound lifting- body (1 line)
10 min

Indications for Ultraformer MPT SMAS Lifting

Age-related changes;
Loss of skin turgor;
Appearance of deep wrinkles and folds;
Sagging of the skin in the cheeks and chin;
Loss of definition of the facial oval;
Nasolabial folds, so-called “bulldog” cheeks.

make an appointment

Consultation with the doctor is free of charge on the first visit and only on the day of the procedure.

How does Ultraformer MPT SMAS lifting work?

Ultraformer MPT ultrasonic SMAS lifting targets the SMAS layer with a spot-directed, intense ultrasound wave that reaches the deep tissues of the face and causes controlled heating. The advanced Ultraformer MPT creates a 0.3 mm diameter ultrasound beam, ensuring a safe and painless procedure without any loss of effectiveness.
Coagulation processes occur at the exposure points. Old collagen regenerates, while fibers become tightened and thickened. This exposure also gently stimulates the formation of new collagen and elastin, which leads to a reduction in tissue volume, tightening, and natural skin rejuvenation. New collagen production peaks after 2-3 months, but changes can be witnessed immediately after the first treatment. Wrinkles will smooth out and skin quality will improve. While the cheekbones and chin line will achieve their former definition. This rejuvenation effect lasts for 1.5 years.

Procedure Stages

Ultraformer MPT SMAS lifting does not require any special preparation prior to the procedure.
Consultation with a doctor and assessment of the skin.
The VV07 Aesthetic Clinic offers an ultrasound examination of the soft facial tissues using a special ultrasound diagnostic device before the SMAS lifting procedure. The device allows us to accurately determine the depth of the SMAS layer for each patient, enabling a personalized treatment plan. The doctor also specifies indications and contraindications to the procedure, as well as determines the areas that require correction.
Cleansing and preparation of the skin for the procedure.
The specialist gently cleanses the skin of makeup and impurities.
Application of ultrasound gel.
The gel allows the ultrasound waves to penetrate more thoroughly, as well as improving how the device glides over the area undergoing treatment.
Performance of the procedure with the Ultraformer MPT device.
The procedure lasts a maximum of 60 minutes. During the treatment, you may feel warmth in the areas where the manipulator is applied.
Finishing the treatment and professional advice for your skin care.
Redness of the skin is a common occurrence after the treatment. Once the procedure has concluded, the cosmetologist will cleanse the gel from the patient’s skin and apply a soothing cream. The specialist may recommend to briefly refrain from any strenuous physical activity, because the body needs time to restore the dermis, and excessive stress may interfere with this.

Ultraformer MPT SMAS Lifting: Post-Procedure Results

improved skin condition;
natural rejuvenation;
wrinkle reduction;
elimination of the double chin;
beautiful cheekbone line;
elimination of eyebrow and lip ptosis;
beautiful taut neck;
reduction of fatty fiber.


Pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding);
Benign and malignant formations;
Acute inflammatory processes on the skin;
Presence of a pacemaker;
Severe chronic diseases;
Individuals under 25 and those over 60 years old.

Make an appointment

Consultation with the doctor is free of charge on the first visit and only on the day of the procedure.

Pedir consulta

La consulta con el médico es gratuita en la primera visita y solo el día del tratamiento.


Consultation with the doctor is free of charge on the first visit and only on the day of the procedure.

Записаться на консультацию

Консультация с врачом предоставляется бесплатно при первом посещении и только в день проведения процедуры.