What could be better than a relaxing massage done by an experienced masseur? A massage performed with special devices, that’s what!
A device-based body massage is a procedure in which special devices are used to perform mechanical actions on the body. Unlike manual techniques, device massage more deeply affects the tissues and promotes not only general relaxation and muscle tension relief, but also helps speed up metabolism, improve blood flow, lymphatic drainage, and body shape, as well as get rid of cellulite.
The most popular types of device massages today are vacuum, hydromassage, vacuum-roller (LPG), vibromassage, lymphatic drainage, and myostimulation.
You can undergo a Zionic device body massage in our clinic. The unique Zionic device (Spain) combines a deep active rotational massage (DARM) with a radiofrequency (RF). It exerts mechanical stimulation of the patient’s body, while simultaneously warming up the muscles layer by layer with a unique radio frequency of 470 kHz. The use of the device allows the specialist to involve even deep muscle and vascular tissues in the massage. The Zionic treatment works in three ways:
- It affects the skin, improving appearance, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin, and accelerating regeneration.
- It affects the muscles promoting the synthesis of new fibers and improving muscle tone.
- It revitalizes blood vessels improving blood flow, accelerating lymphatic drainage, and oxygenating the blood.
In addition to overall health benefits and aesthetic effects, the Zionic body massage helps to get rid of excess weight and treat cellulite.